
New Years Resolutions?

After much thought about what to resolve this year, I have come up with some things:

1. Modesty without shame.
I have realized the truth behind not losing the weight, and it is shame. Shame of my body. Shame when I was thin. Shame. Shame. Shame.
2. Weight loss. I really need to lose about 80 pounds, but if I can lose 20 this year, that would be great. I'm going to try some new things, along with walking daily. Lord. Help. Me.
3. Enjoy my kids. Love them. Play with them. Tickle them. Nurture them.
4. Embrace my husband. Cause he deserves every embrace. Because I love him more today than the first day I met him. Because he loves me today more than I love myself.
5. Worship totally abandoned. Worship my Lord with all that is in me. Nothing held back. No one around but me and my King.

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