

So, I'm reading this blog just now, and I realize how terribly I've treated my boys.
I admit, I get very frustrated with their noises. Do all boys behave this way, or is God playing some cruel trick on me?
The constancy of the noise is what drives me most insane, and the constancy of me asking them to stop making said noise.

However, when I think of Jesus being like any other boy, I must remember that He probably acted the same way. He was, after all, a BOY.
I wonder if Mary had to ask Jesus to stop making noises as the caravanned through Jerusalem. I wonder how she managed not to lose patients with any of her boys. They must have been rough, like mine. They must have loved to wrestle and rough house, like my boys. They must have gotten sweatty and smelly, like my boys.

It amazes me how quickly a boy can begin to stink. Melody played outside longer than the boys today, and she didn't stink. The boys had to take a shower, but she was fine. AMAZING!

Why does God make us so unique, do you ever wonder?

The Bible says that Mary 'pondered all these things in her heart.' Does that mean that she remembered every detail? Did she remind herself that He wasn't sinning, that He was just being a boy? Did she question her intentions when disciplining Him? Did she have to discipline Him at all? How hard was it for her to just let Him be a boy while simultaneously guiding Him to His destiny?


:o) mg said...

I guess because of all the art which portrays the Holy Family as peaceful and serene, I can't imagine Jesus talking back to his mother. And if he did, I wonder if she just looked down and gave him a big "Jewish mother guilt trip sigh" or if she gave his little holy rear end a "dusting".
In either case, I know I cannot fathom being any sort of parent without help from above. It is comforting to ask for Mary's intercessary prayer to her Son on behalf of my skills as a parent. I know with both she and I praying that the Lord will surely guide me. It would be lovely if I could have 1/8 of the grace she seems to have in those paintings.

Mom said...

Yea, boys are just like that. That's how it is.
As far as the noise, I designate quiet time around here. Especially in the car when I am driving. It's quiet time.

Leah said...

when I only had two boys and a baby girl, we had a quiet in the car rule.
Then that little baby girl became a loud toddler, defiant to all my rules!
But I'm sure Zemi wont cause you any problems like that! ;)