Please tell me I am not the only mom who gets sick of her children.
Does anybody else ever feel like this?
It's like being stuck in a dorm room with you worst enemy. Well...maybe not your worst enemy...but close enough if you don't have any enemies.
I am so exhausted. I dread climbing the stairs unless I'm going to bed. I dread getting out of bed to have to instruct the children to do the same things I instructed them to do yesterday. Put your bowls in the sink. Turn off the tv. Do your school work. Do your school work. Sit on your bottom. Do your school work. Eat your lunch. Stop talking with your mouth full. Sit on your bottom. Finish your school work. Go play upstairs. Go upstairs. Play in the playroom! I'll make your snack in a minute. I said in a minute! Go upstairs. Eat your snack. Sit on your bottom! Put your plate away. Do the dishes. Clean up the water you spilled on the floor when you were doing the dishes. Go play in the playroom. I said, "The playroom!"
Anyone else tired from just reading this? I'm tired of saying it, writing it, reading it, living it.
Oh, that I were my sister...the world traveler. Visiting another country as I type. Enjoying some time alone with her hubby.
Oh, that I were a 'working mom' with the hours away from her children and adult conversation.
Oh, that I weren't pregnant with another child, adding to the anxiety of teaching and disciplining children everyday.
I sometimes fear for my sanity...really!
I sometimes fear I will hurt them...really!
But, I never have hurt them. I cannot leave them. I cannot escape them, I should say. They are constant. I'm not sure I like my kids all that much right now.
Does anyone else EVER feel this way? Or am I completely alone?
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No, you're not the only one. My two year old especially is driving me insane right now. If I could find someone to take him until he's four, I'd do it.
Hah! I wish my 4 year old were 2 again!! He seemed much tamer at that age.
You are definitely NOT alone, Leah. I think for some women the call to be a stay-at-home mom is easy. For others (like us A-type independent gals) it is much harder. We tend to struggle more with loneliness, the desire to know we make a difference, and just plain boredom with the monotony.
It takes a strong will, a strong love, and strong obedience to the Lord who gives us the first two in order to make it happen. Hang in there. You ARE making a huge impact on the lives of your children and like all ministry, it will be hard many days, but it will also bear unimaginable fruit.
I'm SO with you on this. The hardest thing for me is that I never felt like this before. Of course, the before should be qualified. We lived in IL where I had started a strong writer's group at my church, worked for my son's school, and adored my 9 year old and 1 year old sons. The now is a bit tougher. We moved to an isolated farm house to enable me to leave my job and stay at home with our now 11, 3 and 9 mo. old sons. These boys are killing me. They are SO NEEDY, so DEMANDING, so DESTRUCTIVE. I love them dearly, but, yes, there are lots of days when I don't like them much. I cannot bring myself to do this differently (I'm such a firm believer in being home with them for at least the first five years of life), but I'm asking God to please help me survive these years. Thanks for your blog, so I know I'm not alone either.
Wendy in IN
I have a 15 year old that I am not particularly fond of some days. You are not alone.
no, you are definitely not alone! it seems when things are going smoothly with one son, the other one is a problem. and having two sons who are preteens and then one who is a toddler, i feel as if i am constantly switching gears between teen moodiness and toddler tantrums. Ay, ay, ay!
Oh, Leah, I can so relate to your post.
I think it is totally and completely normal. Just think, you are doing a job all by yourself that (a hundred years ago or more) took at least 5 women to do.
Wet nurses, governesses, scullery maids (whatever the heck that is), etc etc.
Hang in there and make sure you are getting plenty of sleep and Vitamin C... it feeds stressed out/burned out adrenal glands.
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