
Christians and Halloween

This is the time of year when I adore the changing of colors and weather. Today is a nice 75 degrees with a cool breeze.

But the thing I hate about this time of year is the attempt by every church to incorporate Jesus into Halloween Celebrations.
A local church has a sign that reads: Celebrate Jesus: Harvest Festival, October 31st

Well, I'm all for celebrating Jesus at Harvest Festival. Our family does it every year...on Thanksgiving Day!
If, as a Christian, I support and allow this demonic festival to bring joy to my children, I am a hypocrit.

Oh, now I see some of you fuming, just gets worse!

We do not dress up. We do not trick or treat. We do not give out candy to the neighborhood kids. We do not even attend the "Harvest Festival" at the local church.


Because Halloween is a celebration of the dead.
Christians celebrate Life.
How can the two coincide?
How can one claim to be a Christian and yet celebrate such a demonic, satanic day?

A friend once told me about a man she had met from Africa. He had been a witch doctor before becoming a Christian.
On his first trip to America, around Halloween time, he asked his American friend, "What on earth do you do to your children here in America? I have seen all these spirits in the spiritual realm when I was a witch doctor."
He included every 'cutsie' costume as well.
Demonic forces will take on every shape and form to intice our children. We must guard them against such evil and teach them the truth about Halloween.


Anonymous said...

Hey Leah. I agree with you to a point. Halloween is a demonic holiday, and to allow a christian child to participate in the tradition of "trick or treat" or wear demonic costumes constitutes to me an ignorance of all it entails. (which I believe more than hypocrisy explains alot of christian parents' involvement.)
However, while I believe that we shouldn't celebrate Halloween, there is basically two choices set before us as christians. This is the same choice that awaits us when Christmas, Easter, and heck, even Thanksgiving come up. All of these holidays also have pagan connotations which have been engrained into the culture we live in, and exist to twist the message of Christ's salvation to a fallen world.
Therefore we can choose not to participate at all in these holidays, as many religions do, staying at home and isolated from the world we temporarilary live in. This can definitely help to show our dissaproval of such celebrations and how we disagree with the meanings both they and their celebrants express. neverthless, my problem with this solution lies in the loss of a chance to show Christ to a dying world (which we all know is the calling of every glorify Him and make Him known.) Yes, I can see Him being glorified in a way by staying home, not interacting, but making Him known to all those hopeless out there celebrating hopelessness? Not so sure. Hence the second and yes, more difficult to discern choice.
W can see these holidays as opportunities to show the world how Christ exists and breathes in EVERY day, deed, and holiday. HE is not regulated to certain Sundays, Christmas services, or Easter shows. He can be worshipped in all seasons. We can celebrate Christ's birth during Christmas, His resurrection during Easter, His abundant provision during Thanksgiving, and His love and mercy through Creation at Harvest time. We can also celebrate any of these all year round, no matter the day. Ah, the beauty of Christ!!

One other note to consider. There is actually a Christian holiday that dates back to the 16th century involving God's grace and revelation of His scripture to a dark people. It's called Reformation Day. And this is what Lance and I choose to celebrate when we hand out candy with tracks and fellowship in the outreach program that is our soul-Harvest..the community. If you want to know more, here is a link.

:o) mg said...

I certainly respect your opinion on Halloween (I am in full agreement that it has been warped into something gross... even if you just look at the pure gluttony of it.)
This is a wonderful commentary: