
Another Anatomy Scan

...or ultrasound, as we well know it. At the first "Anatomy Scan" Sofia was in a cradle position. The ultrasonographer could not get good photos or measurements of her brain or the bottom of her spinal cord.

So, we go back for the second scan today. Me and Sofia that is. Ronnie's coming home to keep the kids while I'm gone, then he's back to work.

I'll try to post a photo or two from the ultrasound this afternoon. Perhaps we'll get a good one of her face! I love those cute little face photos!

On that note, I'm NOT getting that 3D or 4D ultrasound. Have you seen those pictures?!!! They are scary. Sometimes half the baby's head looks as if it's disappeared, and the 'image' is hollow. Freaky!

Anyway, more this afternoon.

She didn't give me any photos! But, baby Sofia is probably going to be the biggest one yet. She is already over 4 pounds! Oh! My! Gosh!
That's bigger than Ethan was when he finally came home!


Linasolopoesie said...


Suburban Correspondent said...

I can never "see" anything on those pictures! The technician is always saying, "See? There's the head," and I'm saying, "Where? Where?"