
Lost one pound

My obgyn is going nuts! She is concerned that after gaining 7 pounds at my last visit, that the one pound I lost in the past two weeks is going to negatively affect the baby.
So, in that light, I'll have another ultrasound. Reason: Poor Weight Gain!
I mean, if you've seen the scales when I weigh in each visit, you'd know that one pound aint enough to disturb the sanctuary that Sofia is enjoying.
One pound. Amusing.

So anyway, in two weeks, January 2nd, I'll have that ultrasound and see the nurse midwife that works in my ob's office. After that visit, I'll be going once a week. Yay! The end is coming!

1 comment:

Mom said...

I lost a pound at some point in my last trimester too. My OB was concerned. I gained that back plus 2 more. Bah!
I probably lost that pound while waiting in his office for 3 hours at my appt. I was starving by the time he got to me.
You and your baby will be fine.