I was hoping for a mucous plug or for my water to break as a positive sign to head to the hospital, but no such luck.
At 5 AM, I couldn't sleep and headed for the shower. After my shower, the contractions waned, and I slept for another couple of hours.
When I awoke around 8 AM, I was having contractions once again. Only they were about 10 minutes apart and a bit longer in nature. They also seemed a bit more serious.
So, here I sit, waiting for each contraction--there's one now--and hoping, praying, for a sign to head to the hospital.

Oh, no. Leah! I am so sorry to hear about your itchies. I had those my entire pregnancy with the last one. Scratched myself bloody some days.
I pray that in a short amount of time you will be back at home, recovering from a safe delivery (c-section) and holding that bundle of sweetness in your arms.
God bless!
Wow, you carried really compactly! You only looked about 5 months pregnnat. While I always looked like a big wobbly baby balloon!
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