
The Mormons on PBS

I was watching a very informative special on PBS last night, since all the other TV stations have reruns, on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints--The Mormons.

It was very educational, and expounded on many issues I've not understood before. I sure do now. Although, they didn't finish the expose', it can be found on their website at www.pbs.org.

I'm actually looking forward to learning more about The Mormon faith, so next time they knock on my door I'll be prepared!

Someone had told me once that they just want to know you are a Christian and they will leave you alone. Not true! At least not around here.

A couple of "sisters" came to my door, no doubt sent by the neighbors we had met the Saturday before, and proceeded to question why I didn't want anything to do with the Mormon faith. Oh, but now, I have ammunition, and I will be prepared to fire next time. I may make a list and keep it handy at the door. For them and the Jehovah's Witnesses!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just have a "no soliciting" sign on my door, and it keeps everyone away, salespeople, religious people... its rather nice. Just a thought.