
Don't you own a TV?

Don't you know what causes that?
Boy! You're gonna be in trouble when they're teenagers!
You've got your hands full!
That's too many!
Oh my! How many are you going to have?!!
I don't know how you do it.
You're crazy!

These are just some of the rude things I've heard from people. I'm not sure they know how rude and cruel they are being.

Yes, it is hard to have a lot of kids these days. But not because the kids are hard.

It's because other people think my life is their business and they have every right to tell me, in so many words, that I'm stupid.

How rude!

What if I came up to every childless couple and asked, "Don't you ever have sex?!" in front of everyone at Wal-Mart. Wouldn't that be cruel and hurtful?

But, you see, I'd never do that. Because I know that some people choose not to have children. Some people can't have children. And others are just waiting.

So, why is it so hard for people to be nice to women with lots of kids? Why?


Anonymous said...

Some comebacks...

"Yes, I know what causes it, apparently you don't..."
"I don't see any children with you, so I would assume you are the one who doesn't know what causes it!?

"Sure, My hands are full.... better mine than yours..."

"When did my reproductive choices become your business?"

"what made you think that was an appropriate thing to say(or ask)?"

you could always answer them back with something you assume about them, that would be rude to say as well... Like: "Wow, you must never get any (or like it)..."; "You must be in a loveless marriage..." Whatever you come back with that you normally would not ever dare say to someone, usually shuts them up. Trust me... I know from experience.

(I realize some of those are offensive to people without children for whatever reason, and I'm not directing the comments at them... Just the rude people that say those things to those of us with a few kids.)

Leah said...

Thanks, Anon.
I have come up with a few, similar to your suggestions.

The only problem is, when someone says something rude, I usually just smile and let it pass.

Except for yesterday, when my husbands coworker said, "So, have you bought a tv yet?"
I gave a half smirk and his expression changed immediately! I told my husband to reprimand him later!

Mom said...

about the TV....I have the perfet comeback.
"yes, we have a TV...but, there are always commercials!"