
Poor Melody

I took Melody in to see her new pediatrician today. She warmed up quickly to her, which is good, because Melody is very picky when it comes to new people new doctors.
Nurse Keri (was her name) took a look at Melody's mole and said, "It must come off."

It's not particularly huge, and it has not grown out of proportion to her own growth, but it did this year begin to grow hair, which alarmed little miss muffet Melody.

So, I have to make her an appointment with a dermatologist, which will entail, numbing cream, novacaine injections, and some sort of straight jacket. I'm sending Dad in for this one!


Michawn said...

Sounds like an excellent plan, sending the dad in. Where is her mole? When did it first appear? Just curious.

knighton said...

Straight jacket! You make me laugh!

Poor little thing. Not that she doesn't already run the boys like nobles at her court, but she will totally milk this one for sympathy. From Ethan especially.