
Ethan's Birth Story::A Photo Post

Picture One: This is the size of Ethan's first diapers. They were falling off of him! I added the pencil to the shot for reference.

Pictures Two and Three: Hospital photos.

Pictures Four and Five: One week after Ethan was born, Ronnie and I got to hold him, for the first time.

Picture Five: Aunt Jennifer with Ethan in the Kangaroo Hold.

Picture Six: Going home!

Picture Seven: Falling asleep at the table!

Picture Eight: This was such a funny stage Ethan went through. Look how huge his cheeks are as he smiles at Ronnie!

Picture Nine: Those fat cheeks again. Praise Jesus!

Picture Ten: Bath Time.

Picture Eleven: Meeting Grandma Thompson. A four-generation photo.

Picture Twelve: I made this outfit for Ethan. When the hood was on, he looked like Darth Vader!

Picture Thirteen: Ethan at a park in Fort Worth when we were there for a friends wedding.

Picture Fourteen: Ethan walking on his tippy toes. So cute!

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