So, after all that Thanksgiving food, I don't look like I gained 20 pounds! Actually, I didn't stuff myself like other people I know. But it sure was good!
And...the navy shirt makes me look thinner. This must be why I gravitate toward darker colors!
I remember I had a striped maternity shirt for my first pregnancy. One day I was wearing it and a friend of mine (a guy!) looked at me and said, "You know, horizontal stripes are not slimming."
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Hi! The other Leah here...LOL
I see a baby belly growing there, how exciting! Makes me want to be pregnant again. Sort of. A lot. No, sort of. (okay, can you tell I'm a little undecided about a fourth baby???)
Hope things have gone well and continue to go well during your pregnancy!
I think I spent my entire pregnancy wearing dark colors . . . I needed all the slimming effects I could get! Thanks for visiting my blog. God bless!
What's so funny about this photo is that I am now protruding much further out. Seems like the baby leaned out the day after this photo was taken.
So, next weeks photo will look five times larger!
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