
My blunder

Today I received an email from a friend. I should have researched it before forwarding it, however, I am posting the link to the news story here: Snopes.com.

Although there was some truth to her email, I wanted to post the news story from February of this year. Her point was that we don't see these protests on the news, only the ones against the war in Iraq. We need to remember that while Christians believe differently from other religions, we still must love, despite what we hear and see on the news or in reports like this.

So, if you are one of the people on my email list, or if you've received this forward yourself, there is some truth to it. But as with all news, we must look at it in context!

1 comment:

knighton said...

People who support the war are mostly boring - nothing news-worthy in a group of peaceful people. Now, if supporters made enough trouble to get arrested or took off their clothes or otherwise made a spectacle of themselves, THAT would get some attention.