
She's Here!

With much joy, we welcome
Sofia Grace
Friday, January 25, 2008
6:38 PM
7 pounds 7 ounces
19 1/2 inches

Momma and baby are doing great. Leah says that Sofia took to nursing really well.


Wendy Hill said...

Congratulations on the birth of Sofia! May she be a bright star in your lives and a blessing to your family.

Maria (also Bia) said...

Congratulations and God bless. (I absolutely love her name!)

Michawn said...

How the picture in the post above. Ahh...babies. Isn't it great to finally have her out of your belly and in your arms? I love that part...having the birth over and done with and just being able to get to know your new one.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's great. I never got a call or I would've writtten you guys sooner to congratulate you.
Wonderful to see mom and baby are doing well.
Love you

:o) mg said...

Congratulations to you and the whole family! She is beautiful and we can't wait to hear all about how wonderful she is. However, you forget about the computer for awhile and concentrate on that gorgeous creature God has blessed you with. We will be patient and wait.
With much love and thankfulness that everything went well~ mg